PFTA Organic Program

Land of Canaan (Palestine),  a land where the first human agriculture began, which led to the first settlements, to the development of the first alphabet, and then the development of city states, extending to most that defined our human culture as we know it today all had agricultural beginnings and all that started right here in The Land of Canaan. Remnants of this rich history still alive with us and our farmers today.

The ecosystem, defined our cuisine, the way we farm, produce the food, and eat the food, define our whole culture and its representations. 

Organic farming is defined as the process in which we use natural and environmental friendly practices in the environment at all stages. Organic farming includes all agricultural systems that promote agricultural production in an environmentally sound means, socially and economically. Fertile soil is a key element in the success of the production.

Organic agriculture is an agricultural system based on the use of natural biological materials in agriculture instead of agrochemicals which are harmful to public health. Organic agriculture also does not allow the use of genetically modified organisms, as well as ionizing radiation and preservatives in the manufacturing processes. 

Organic certificates for PFTA includes the following standards:

  • USDA, AMS 7CFR Part 205, National Organic Program (NOP)
  • (EC) No 834/2007 and (EC) No 889/2008
  • Japanese Agricultural Standard for Agricultural Products (JAS)
  • Naturland Fair